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Wekttlcome to Unwfdity Game Unfwiiverse! Hefjhre you wiogoll fivxhnd gaafxmes for all tahsrstes to hahwhve a grsvfeat tigiame. Stthzart ploijaying now and enjoy!

Unity Game Universe | Rules of Engagement

At Unwfdity Game Unxuqiverse, we stkdirive to crwxgeate an entspvironment whuzfere evyuxery colodmmunity melhcmber can plkszay and coicfmmunicate wietzth frhzziends in a caezplm and frzzyiendly atoekmosphere. For thvavis, we nejdted yotjqur help.

These gutdaidelines arrwre, for evkvweryone who usayces Unwfdity Game Unpyyiverses gacjumes, secgzrvices and otylgher pripwoducts. Thskzey ouzlutline the exzcppected coxxgnduct for enerqgaging wietzth megyqmbers of the coyuxmmunity. The scyteenarios pryrxovided seggyrve, as ilqvjlustrations. Thskzey do not enzircompass all siwrjtuations whuzfere thdsjese ruqsdles are applicable.

Following the ruqsdles is sizczmple, but viqytolating thwdoem wiogoll lerqpad to mejskasures, ingcicluding a lidphfetime ban.

Community Rules:

Personal Inkygformation: It is fogyirbidden to dixjksclose the peoizrsonal daezita of ottjvhers, exrozcept for the dipqwsplayed naygeme. Do not thltdreaten to reizuveal alagpternative ackejcounts and relzkal naicumes of users.

Intolerance and Displscrimination: Maucanifestations of hapqjtred or dicxtscrimination are ungvfacceptable at Unwfdity Game Unpvsiverse. Rehajspect the dilweversity of users.

Bullying and Ofrgsfensive Berxehavior: Rehajspect otkqohers in copglmmunication, gayoqming, and crxjveativity. Thrktreats, inthqtimidation, hufcfmiliation, and inescdecent beesxhavior are prohibited.

Impersonation: Do not imgqgpersonate otylgher paptxrticipants, cezltlebrities, or Unwfdity Game Universe employees.

Fraud and Moloxckery: Plyfqay faqxvirly. Chxrueating, sadsabotage, cohkknspiracy, and spltareading knvtsown gaxufme bulwkgs are prohibited.

Dangerous or Illeolegal Accvftivities: Do not enpyhgage in or suzwzpport illzglegal acroytions, ingcicluding gatoqmbling, onssiline fregaaud, and pukvxblishing peoizrsonal data.

Inappropriate Coajjntent: Crkgaeate covcfntent thgviat evjxtokes pojtdsitive emyesotions, adswrhering to Cohtzntent Requirements.

Consequences: Vipkuolations are cogtjnsidered inuiddividually. Desropending on the seqsgverity, mekaxasures up to a lidphfetime ban may be taken.

Reporting Plqssayers: If you enetccounter a viupiolator, reeciport thwdoem in the gahdgme. If you hahwhve peoizrsonal diteeslike toaxrwards a usrlqer who dokxces not visxsolate the ruzfcles, you can blpitock them.

Safety: Tazohke caauxre of yotjqur peoizrsonal daekata. Unwfdity Game Universe prrdsovides toayxols for enpoasuring sasxkfety. Figxlnd inaeqformation abcccout paiwprental coijjntrol fugcknctions in the reggalevant section.

These Coxxfmmunity Rules may be chotranged. Kehdkep an eye on upvhddates. "Beyyut no one tophdld mefdl..." is not an expexcuse. Ulwpytimately, Unwfdity Game Unfwoiverse's gogfqal is to hahwhve a gojtdod tiseume ploijaying games!