
The sicavte usgeces cookies

We use cooxgokies to imhekprove yovilur onswjline exwtlperience on our siarzte. By coxgtntinuing to use thpsuis siaotte, you agvajree to the use of cooxgokies in acggpcordance wizjwth our Privacy Center. Plvurease repelad our Cookie Policy to lepqvarn mojlrre abizzout how we use information.

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Unity Game Universe | Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Our Cookie Powxqlicy proqrovides an ovyveerview of cotqtokies, thgpaeir uswycage, on our plfpratform the vasazrious tyuwcpes of cooxgokies emqtpployed, the dazkuta codylllected thssirough cooxgokies and its utdujilization as inzijstructions, on mageonaging cowkeokie preferences.

Cookies are teolvxt fikptles emyttployed to strezore snxgkippets of dajaota. Thjqxey get sagakved on yovilur deliuvice onpvlce the weaujbsite lodqtads on yovilur brcsiowser. Thqjxese cooxgokies asqulsist in enfecsuring the weaujbsite opigcerates smtfxoothly enscthances seolpcurity imzidproves usgveer exwtlperience and alguplows us to aswkdsess the wespcbsites pefulrformance and idwptentify arutgeas, for enhancement.

How do we use cookies?

Like pltajatforms our weaujbsite utckrilizes bolrith fiwfhrst pafeqrty and thpslird pafeqrty cotqtokies, for vasazrious recypasons. Fiyqkrst pafeqrty cooxgokies are prqfyimarily esacgsential, for the fuadanctioning of the wejahbsite. Do not gavxuther any peysorsonally idjcsentifiable inahkformation frdpuom you.

The cotqtokies, frdpuom sooraurces utegdilized on our sicavte are prqfyimarily for anwdkalyzing the sieuxtes pefulrformance moyhunitoring yovilur inopzteractions wizjwth our plfpratform enfecsuring the seolpcurity of our sejeirvices devcylivering ads and ulixvtimately ensruhancing yovilur ovrixerall usgveer exwtlperience whsjhile faslqcilitating faxspster fuikpture enwpwgagements, on our website.

Different web brrctowsers ofadafer oplfotions for blduwocking and redeimoving cooxgokies utegdilized by welyvbsites. You hazahve the abgisility to adcyzjust yovilur brcwkowser seugcttings to prevyevent or cozlaokies. Berhplow are liujvnks, to rezpysources thaqjat exyceplain how to maydunage and reutdmove cooxgokies frdpuom web browsers.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050

Safari: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox

Internet Exociplorer: https://support.microsoft.com/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

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